Thursday, 8 April 2021

Watch your Words!

You become what you feed, you speak what you read, and whatever you take in makes whatever you give out! What and who do you listen to, what feeds your mind and soul? The way to one’s heart is through the eyes just as the way to one’s mind is the ears.  When you hear no evil, no evil will be heard from you. If you always hear words of discouragement you will become depressed, but words that uplift you will give you confidence to face any huddle. This is why parents soften their tone with their children and teach them correct words to use during conversations. Words have the power to bless or curse, can inspire growth or cause death. Another statement is parents have the power to bless or curse, Go figure!Ladies have always been told from a young age what is expected of them in the house, cook, clean, how to associate and how attend to family needs. Some have always been compared to the neighbors’ children and have certain standards set for them. Girls have always been subjected to following orders and conduct themselves with discipline compared to their brothers who could get away with anything, after all they are boys, and they are allowed to mess. Most ladies are not best friends with their mothers since the mothers have always had the sharpest and loudest voices ringing in the girls heads. The mothers being too strict with the girls so that they do not end up like them, make their mistakes or walk their paths reliving their history. This has made mothers to talk without care for the girls who feel unloved and less appreciated. The bond between a mother and a son is another discussion, however, the relationship between a mother and a daughter is a scope which if properly investigated can end a lot of woes for all women. I am speaking of girls who had bad relationships with their mothers and intern got married and were subjected to bad environments with their mother-in-laws, had daughters and gave them the same dose who go along the same system leading to women who cannot trust and rely to their fellow sex mates. And we are here screaming that men make better bosses than our female counter-parts.Women have to come out and address this issue boldly so as to heal and move on to raise another generation of young girls who are not bitter about other females and do not see their sisters as competitors. Women empowering women should host talks with a grandmother who will be forgiven by the daughter who is a mother to a girl who is so insecure because she still hears her mother’s voice from early morning till bedtime directing her every move into perfection just like how her mother told her. I wish women can genuinely show love to their daughters and raise up sisters who can confide in each other and share freely their fears without being judged or made to feel inferior. Let us stop seeing the female bosses as a threat, the mother-in-law as a monster or the younger lady as a husband snatcher. Let us stop making victims out of women by creating vulnerable situations that contradict their standards. Dear mothers, do not give your daughters a hard time growing up at the expense of your sons; Raise your sons o accord respect to the females which they see you raising them in. 

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