Sunday, 9 May 2021

So Motherly

It is such joy to be called a mother and quite a novel experience. Carrying a human being for 9 months and being responsible for its health, growth and security until it is brought into the world. Being a mother is such a great honor if you get to walk out of the hospital holding your bundle of joy and watching it blossom into a mature adult. The work of a mother is never really done even after the children fly away from home, she is quite irreplaceable. Mothers are the only full time professionals (chef, nurse,lawyer, entertainer, doctor, teacher, pastor/priest, soldier, driver or hairdresser) who do not paid for their job or get minimum recognition. They also have superpowers noted when they experience so much pain during delivery, having the ability to understand baby language and the sixth sense to know that their offspring is troubled. Let us note that they make huge sacrifices by using their bodies as incubators which undergoes major changes as if they deliberately transferred their cuteness into the new being.The results of motherhood can be seen when their child gets to grow up well, with good behavior and accomplishes their own goals. It breaks a mother’s heart for their child to suffer, get involved in dangerous activities or not live to meet her expectations. Some mothers have very high demands of their children and expect them to excel in everything they get their hands on. Some are strict with disciplining their children to conform to a particular behavior. But some mothers choose not to spank their children claiming that they still feel the pangs of labour too harsh to subject their children to any form of pain leaving the child to grow unpruned. Then there are those mothers who do not hesitate to rub it in your face how they suffered in the maternity room and with that you can never tell them anything about raising a child- and they do not appreciate those ladies who have never carried a fetus to challenge them. If children are a gift from God, then motherhood is also a favor by God. Some people have paid to have children while some tried and even successfully stole a baby so as to raise as their own. There are so many reasons why some women cannot get pregnant which may deny them the joy of mother.  Just because someone else has never carried a pregnancy full time does not mean that they are incapable of raising a child. Be king to the childless they can contribute to your motherhood too even though they have not been successful in the delivery room. We appreciate those who did not go for abortions and kept that baby, congratulations for saving a life. A child today is the adult of tomorrow who will be a decision maker and influence others in future. Raising a child is not a one-person duty, ask for help not just form your spouse but from others who have walked similar paths or are in a better position to assist.

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